People are a vital capital in our business. Our people drive our organisation and are ultimately the cause of us living up to our vision, values and philosophy and achieving our strategic goals.
We aim to clearly integrate our strategic goals with our people values, their behaviours, attitudes and beliefs. Creating our people capacity for the delivery of the strategy is a direct financial investment.
Our people strategy is applied uniformly to the whole organisation. It focuses on sustainable long-term capacity building and addresses organisational design, culture, values, commitment and the matching of resources to future needs.
Resourcing continues to be challenging, however, the business recognises that securing competitive advantage is only possible through the value created by the development of a highly committed and capable workforce. In return DNT seeks to build a culture and environment that rewards and encourages motivation, trust, teamwork and innovation.
Technical & Marketing Services
From technical expertise to marketing proficiency, our people have what it takes to provide our customers with top-notch product service.
Technical advisory service to assist our clients in troubleshooting and proposal of coating system according to specific requirement are provided for by experienced sales engineers and chemists.

We are always doing ours researches, development and also providing innovative products, more value-added service to achieve customers’ satisfactions.
We offer excellent customer service. With our skilled technical engineers, capable marketing personnel combined with manufacturing site and laboratories spanning the globe, we are well positioned to serve your needs.